Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart. Luke 18:1

🎉 Welcome!

Sometime last year, God began to speak to my heart:

“There is a fog of spiritual exhaustion and weariness hanging around, disguising underneath 'justifiable' things and my people are getting too comfortable.⁣ Watch out for the atmosphere you create around yourself. Gather in twos and threes and find strength in one another. Encourage one another. Pray for one another. Guard your thoughts. PRAY.” ⁣

‘Where Friends Pray’ is that community that was borne out of this burden.

We are a non-denominational group of friends and believers from all over the world, who are committed to praying and fellowshipping with God together, after the order of Luke 18:1. This is to the end that we all grow into unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ... and Christ be glorified forever.

It's all love, peace and joy here. Feel free to enjoy yourself with us!

<aside> 🚀 Click here to join our family!


😍  Take a peep!

“We thrive in families,” The Lord says to me all the time. Therefore as much as possible, we have succeeded in creating this family unit to ensure we keep the fire going on this end. Here, we set quarterly targets and keep tabs on each other as we go through the year. Feel free to join us.

Let's not be carried away by the antics of the enemy.

Arise. For Zion has prevailed!

<aside> 📍 Daily Bible Study Plan

We are committed to reading specific chapters of the Bible daily as set by our reading target for each quarter.


<aside> 📍 Daily Prayer Check-in

We are committed to praying daily as set by our individual goals and praying together every Thursday for one hour.


<aside> 📍 Daily Book Reading Plan

We are committed to reading a book every month as related to our spiritual goal for the quarter.


<aside> 📍 Spiritual Accountability Group

We stay committed to one another as a family unit, encouraging and keeping tabs on each other’s growth.
